Mortgage Broker Explains Locking Loan Interest Rates

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Recession 2022

How Does Inflation Affect Me?

 Dear future home buyer, real estate buying in Las Vegas is tricky. Most mortgage borrowers want to know if it will be easier to use a mortgage broker near me rather than an online service with no real personal interaction. We make it easy for you. P IF lending is a finance broker that helps secure financing for your new home. Whether you are a first-time buyer, empty nester, or upgrade into your dream home, PIF lending helps you secure financing that works for you. Let our team of lending experts help you through the approval process!

 With a possible recession nearing, what can you do to protect your home?  By using a mortgage broker near me like PIF Lending, the sponsors of this next segment, we have the answers. How is PIF Lending different from the other guys out there? We have a lot of experience. What we can do differently is we all sell to the same person at the end of the day, Fannie or Freddy, FHA essentially. And we just know how to get through the guidelines and help someone get qualified. And you guys have been doing it for a while. You've got experience, which is what I like. Vanessa, so a possible recession is coming. It does happen. Can that cause someone's loan to fall through? Yes, because with recessions crashing or falling, the interest rate continues to rise. So if someone was approved at one dollar amount, with that charge in interest rate going up and increasing, that dollar amount of their approval is going to continue to go lower and lower. Then they may not find the home that they were looking for initially.

Andrew Leavitt PIF mortgage broker near me at Lending on the news

 Okay, so how do you guys protect your customers or clients from that happening to them? One of the features that we have is we can lock a rate six months into the future, so if we lock the mortgage interest rate today, we keep that qualification intact while they're shopping for that house. 

 You guys have the answers six months in advance. 

That says what you have; you're fortune tellers. I love this. Moving, buying a home, I mean, it's stressful. The whole process. It's a wonderful process, but there's also so much stress that comes into it. How do you help alleviate some of that stress? One of the things that we do is all the underwriting upfront. So my background before sales was working in underwriting, and so we get all of their documents, we make sure that we go through everything with a fine-tooth comb, and that way, we avoid a lot of the issues in the middle of the process.

So everything is locked in, pretty much, with you guys. So I'm going to buy my house; I'm working with PIF Lending, I know that everything's secure. I don't have to worry about it; we're getting ready to close, and, uh-oh, what's this little blemish here or something's not taken care of. 

And then we, when it comes to something of that sort, it's because that one requirement that we needed up front maybe just didn't make it in on time, and that's really the only issue we've ever run into. So it's never, "Can we do it or can't we?" We can; it's just timing, especially where is a third party involved, like the appraisers and all the facets that are involved with it.

The name, PIF Lending, what does it mean? "Pay it forward." Yeah. So, long story short, there's been a lot of people that have helped me get the company going, just in general, and some of them I'll never be able to repay, and so what we get to do moving forward is pay it back. And you're a Vegas-born, Vegas-raised guy here. Born and raised. Absolutely. 

 Refinancing. Still a good time to refinance your home?

Yeah. I would say yes, especially if you're looking to do some cash-out, take the equity while it's there at the moment and use it for reserves or liquid assets, just in case, of a rainy day or emergency.

 Thank you guys so much. I could chat with you for an hour about this stuff. Thank you so much for joining us; we appreciate it. Thanks for having us on.

 And they have a special offer if you call them and mention Las Vegas

Now, they will make an appraisal waiver for new clients.

Pay it Forward Lending by West Coast Mortgage Group

8921 West Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89117, United States

(702) 421-1111

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